Dear Mr. President-Elect
Congratulations on your
election as the 45th president of the United States.
I am
one of the very few people who, here in Africa supported you during your
campaign for the White House. I walked my talk and placed bets on your victory.
I could not vote, but I supported you because I strongly believe that there is
a need for a new world order, which the current Western Establishment is not
capable of delivering. I supported you despite the extreme virulence of your
rhetoric. I admired your frankness and your gut-speak even if I did not agree
with some of your utterances during the campaign. I argued on your behalf that
you would not play political correctness when human security is at stake, which
is the situation today. I put my bets on you because I believe that you have
this uncanny ability to think out of the box and to find solutions. Somehow, I
am convinced that you would not allow yourself to be confined by the rigid,
narrow and manipulative worldview of the current political establishment.
argued that the current world order needs a rethink and a new approach to
problem-shooting and solving, and that you are the person that can do this. I am fed up with daily stories of many women
and children dying in different wars. I am fed up with stories of woes of
migrants and displaced peoples. I am fed up with extremism of any sort. I do
not want to hear or read of religious, political and economic predation. I am fed
up with violence of any sort - racial, gender-based, religious, and other forms
of differences-based violence. I am fed up with promises broken as soon as they
are made by Western Governments to Africans. I despise back-patting in the day
and back-stabbing of Africans in the night by the Western Establishment. I am
aghast at the Establishment’s attitude of disregard and disrespect to Africans
despite their flag of political correctness.
of my friends tell me that you represent exactly what I abhor. They tell me
that you are a racist, a bigot and a possible economic predator. They tell me
that you are an intolerant person. A dangerous person, who has come to reset
the “Normal” button. They say you represent the “New Normal” that is not
founded on any morals, historical considerations or any philosophical compass.
They say, you are just “it”, a deconstruct of many things – a being that self-defines
by negation. You have been stereotyped.
any black person about stereotyping….! Mr. President, I support you because we
both share the burden of stereotyping, albeit in different ways. We are both
victims of the same western political and media establishment. Our bond lies in
our common adversity.
President-Elect, you have not said much about Africa in your different tweets and
discourse. There have been many bad rumors about your thoughts and many ugly
words have been put into your mouth by those who want Africans to dislike you.
we are still awaiting your thoughts and actions on Africa, permit me to advise
you on how not to relate with us and to share some of our expectorations from your
age, upbringing and the traditional dictates of my environment demand that,
with your age, I see and relate with you as an elder and my desire is that you
act as one, at least as regards Africa and Africans.
do not under any circumstances adopt the attitude of a teacher in front of some
unruly pupils. Africans have seen the worst in human history and have come out
strong despite all the odds. We have survived it all. There is nothing to learn
from you or the West again. We have learnt and we are in the process of
unlearning all the wrong lessons we were taught since our first contact with destabilizing
western establishment.
do not try to civilize us. We are civilized in a manner different from yours. . Do not use the same yardstick to measure us
and yourselves in terms of civilization. We have a different worldview on this
issue. I advise that you look at
civilization in the number of casualties of war and not through the warped
self-serving optics and metrics of Western and United Nations development
agencies. Africans in the vilest proxy
wars have never killed as many as Americans and Europeans have done. We measure
civilization by the ability to maintain harmony among ourselves and not in the
number of nuclear weapons or many other destruction paraphernalia. Certainly,
we will borrow some ideas from you to improve the quality of our lives. We will
buy your products and services. We will read in your schools. But this doesn’t
mean we want to be like you. We are a proud people irrespective of the
challenges of our history.
do not try to bully us. No one will listen to you. We have had bullies like
Sarkozy, Blair and Chirac in the past. They
are now covered with the dust of history, while we are still there, waxing
strong. We do not even remember who was the tallest or the shortest among them.
do not try to manipulate us. We are smarter at such games than you. Ask Bill
Clinton. We could read him like a book.
forget about Development Aid. Many from the West come to Africa and make bogus
promises of Aid, which they never fulfill. We don’t ask, they offer, then, they
renege on their words after having raised our hopes. We do not need Aid,
administered by a large contingent of expatriates, for whose welfare and into
whose pockets a large part of the aid money ends. You cannot develop us. Forget
Development Aid. No one can ever develop the other.
we have issues for which we need your leadership to solve here in Africa.
have issues of economic predation by western companies strongly backed by the
Western Establishment. These companies steal from us and destroy our
environment. They destabilize us. We know what they are doing, but have been
bullied into quiet submission by the home governments of these companies. We
expect you will mediate as an elder. We expect you to call these economic
parasites to order.
have issues of interference in our political life. You will understand, from
the controversies surrounding your emergence that your political system is
fraught with many problems even after more than two hundred years of its
existence. Yours is a house divided. Do not further divide ours by taking sides
or ordering regime change. Understand the context, read the history of origins
of misunderstandings and never rush to judgment. Consult African elders on
issues pertaining to Africa. They know better than your best educated and most
experienced diplomat.
understand where you stand as regards immigration. It pains me to hear of
African youths perishing in the Sahara deserts in their bid to reach Europe and
ultimately United States for some. I believe that it will not be part of your
policy to waste lives. An elder does not do that. Many statistics have proven
that remittances from Africans in Diaspora largely surpass Organized
Development Assistance. Contrary to what your immediate circle wants you to
think, our youths have strong arms and are ready to work, to earn to develop
their communities. Let them come in and work. They will return someday back to
Africa. There is no African that nurses the dream to die in a foreign land.
if you are adamant that no one can come into your country, then open your
borders to products from Africa. Stop the restrictions on our goods. Tell your
friends to lift their restrictions too. And pay the right price. You would be
surprised at the results.
Mr. Trump, here in Africa, an elder gives as much respect as he is given.
Respect us.